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The Thief's Story Class 10 cbse part 3

                  Thief's Story       Answers to Long Questions                      ( 100- 200 words)               Written by: Sujeet Kumar                         Chapter : 2                    The Thief's Story                     -- Ruskin Bond                    ---------------------- 1. What are Hari Singh's reactions to the prospect of receiving an education ? Do they change overtime ? Ans: Hari Singh was a thief and his thoughts and activities were well confined to the act of stealing. Normally, a human being defines and evaluates the circumstances and happenings of life in accordance with what suits his / her natural living and thinking. Hari Singh was not an exception to it. When Anil started teaching him to write names and promised to teach him to write whole sentences and also to add numbers , Hari Singh availed this educational opportunities to make himself all the more expert and skilled thief. What he thought was nothing but a nat

The Thief's Story Class 10 cbse part 2

Footprints Without Feet.  The Thief's Story Answers to questions of about 30 - 40 words.                Prepared by: Sujeet Kumar                                                CHAPTER: 2                                      The Thief's Story                              -- Ruskin Bond Questions answers    ( 30 - 40 words) 1. What is Hari Singh " a fairly successful hand " at ? Ans: Hari Singh is " fairly successful hand " at stealing . Though he is only 15, but his stealing skill is matchless. He robs people cleanly and escapes without being caught.         What makes him an experienced and fairly successful hand is his ability to read people's face and befriend them before robbing. 2. What does Hari Singh get from Anil in return for his work ? Ans: In return for his work, Hari Singh gets three things from Anil. First,  Anil gives him food and second a place to live in . These two things ensures Hari Singh's survival. And

The Thief's Story, Class 10 cbse , part 1

FOOTPRINTS WITHOUT  Feet, The Thief's Story, Introduction,Theme,Moral, Characters and exact Summary.              Prepared by : Sujeet Kumar                        CHAPTER: 2                 The Thief's Story                         By: Ruskin Bond Introduction/ Theme/ Moral ----------------------------------- Written by Ruskin Bond, ' The Thief ' is an inspirational story which deals with the theme of the victory over the vices. The story justifies the fact that keeping a good company can prove to be a life- changer. The story reveals that our inner self is the invisible witness of whatever we do. It praises us for our good deeds but also condemns us for our misdeeds. Those who acts at the silent command of their inner self can add a vital meaning to their life. CHARACTERS ----------------- The story has two characters. They're from different backgrounds and represent two different qualities: (1) Anil : He is a 25 - year old unmarried yo

We're Not Afraid to Die... if we can All Be Together Summary Class 11 cbse

" We're Not Afraid to Die ... if We Can all Be Together "          By: Gordon Cook and Alan East INTRODUCTION -------------------------- This is an adventurous story about undertaking a three year long sea voyage by the narrator and his family. The story describes how the crews face the death like marine conditions and also how they overcome all the odds by dint of their optimism, courage and the bond of togetherness. SUMMARY ------------------ The narrator decided to go on the round - the - world - voyage. He along with his wife spent 16 years in preparation and finally in July 1976 , he started his sea voyage in a professionally built boat named 'Wavewalker' from Plymouth, England. The narrator's wife Mary, his son Jonathan and daughter Suzanne were also with him. They reached Cape Town pleasantly. There they took two crewmen ---- the American Larry Vigil and the Swiss Herb Seigler --- and sailed towards the Southern Indian Ocean for the sec