The Thief's Story Class 10 cbse part 2

Footprints Without Feet.  The Thief's Story
Answers to questions of about 30 - 40 words.
               Prepared by: Sujeet Kumar
                         CHAPTER: 2
                    The Thief's Story
                             -- Ruskin Bond
Questions answers
   ( 30 - 40 words)
1. What is Hari Singh " a fairly successful hand " at ?
Ans: Hari Singh is " fairly successful hand " at stealing . Though he is only 15, but his stealing skill is matchless. He robs people cleanly and escapes without being caught.
        What makes him an experienced and fairly successful hand is his ability to read people's face and befriend them before robbing.
2. What does Hari Singh get from Anil in return for his work ?
Ans: In return for his work, Hari Singh gets three things from Anil.
First,  Anil gives him food and second a place to live in . These two things ensures Hari Singh's survival.
And thirdly , Anil teaches him to write his name and promises to teach him to write whole sentences and to add numbers. This ensures Hari Singh's education.
3. How does the thief think Anil will react to the theft ?
Ans: After living a month with Anil, the thief -- Hari Singh -- was well acquainted with the interest, aptitude and nature of Anil. Hari Singh knew that Anil was a sort of man who valued being human more than money. That's why Anil spent money lavishly on himself and his friends.
Therefore, the thief thinks that when Anil comes to know about the theft , he will be sad not for the money but for the breach of his faith by whom he trusted the most.
4. What does the thief say about the different reactions of people when they are robbed ?
Ans :Though the thief was only 15, he was an experienced and successful hand. He
had robbed people of almost all economic backgrounds and noticed their reacting faces.
He says that when a greedy man loses
his goods ,he shows fear; but in the same
situation, the rich man shows anger and
the poor man shows acceptance. 
5. Does Anil realise that he has been robbed ?
Ans: Nothing has been said openly about it in the story; but we get a latent answer to it at the end of the story.
We know that Hari Singh returned to Anil in late mid night and slipped his money back under the mattress and slept.
In the morning Anil gave a fifty - rupee note to the thief. The note was wet but he didn't say anything about it. He talked and behaved quite normally.
This shows that Anil knew the whole episode of theft in order to mend the wrong ways of the thief who was now ready to shed off bad manners.


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