First Flight/ Class 10 cbse/ ch.3 /His First Flight/ Study Materials by Sujeet Kumar

First Flight: Ch.3 / Class:10( cbse )
STORY 1: His First Flight, Introduction, Theme, Message and Summary. : Sujeet Kumar

  -- Lima O ' Flaherty


His first Flight by Lima O ' Flaherty is the story of a young Seagull who has feeble confidence and is too afraid to fly. The story describes the why - part of the young Seagull's fearfulness of flying and also describes in detail how the responsible parents motivate the young Seagull into flying.


The story explores the theme as to how ability to face challenges of life can earn for us every thing we want .It is not the absence of fear but the victory over fear can develop us into a different person.


The story leaves two messages :
1. What we have to get and in what measure, depends completely on the merits of the efforts made, and

2. A man must create his / her own identity by dint of his/ her own deeds . The individuality of a man is obscured for ever if allowed to be identified with the tag of patents or family name.


There was a young Seagull. He had two brothers and a sister. His family lived on the ledge of a rock.

The brothers and the sister of the young Seagull followed the instructions of their parents and learned the art of flying without any problems . But the young Seagull could not do so as he thought that his short wings would not support him to fly across the great expanse of sea stretched down beneath for miles and he might fall and lose his life.

His diffidence empowered his confidence so much that he took his inability as guaranteed and in a state of sadness went inside the hole and sat there helplessly.

For performing a task we need certain personal qualities like positive attitude, courage, confidence and intense willingness to do. Unfortunately the young Seagull didn't have any.

Seeing the young Seagull afraid of flying, his parents came around and tried to persuade him to fly. But it didn't work. Then they upbraided him and threatened to let him starve on the ledge if he didn't show courage to fly. But no measure could make the young Seagull move .

Now the parents decided to bring the young Seagull to flying term by punishing him. So, they flew away leaving the young Seagull alone on the ledge without food.

The parents spent the day in training their other children as how to dive in water, skim over water and catch fish for food. Sitting on the ledge ,the young Seagull continue to watch them. The whole family walked about on the big plateau together and continued to taunt the young Seagull with his cowardice. The day passed, but nobody came to him.

Twenty - four hours of foodless existence made the young Seagull weak. He needed food desperately. To attract the attention of his parents, he came out to the brink of the ledge and pretended to be falling asleep. Still they took no notice of him.

When the young Seagull saw his mother tearing at a piece of fish and scrapping each side of her beak on the rock to whet it,his desire for food doubled and he cried begging his mother for some food.

The mother was intelligent. She took this pathetic condition of the young Seagull to force him to fly for food.

She picked up a piece of fish and flew  across to him but stopped just at a distance from where the fish in her beak was well within the reach of the young Seagull.

Her plan worked .Maddened by hunger, the young Seagull dived at fish. With a loud scream he fell outwards and downwards into the space. A monstrous terror seized him and his heart stood still.

But it only lasted a minute. The next moment he felt his wings spread outwards and tip of the wings cutting through the air.
He was not falling headlong rather soaring downwards and outwards. He was no longer afraid but felt dizzy. Then he flapped his wings and soared upwards crying happily.

The whole family was around him with encouraging response . He curveted, dived, soared with his siblings confidently.

He lost his confidence once again when he was to land on the green water of the sea. When his legs sank into the water, he screamed with fright and attempted to rise again. But he was tired and weak with hunger and so he could not rise. As his body touched the water, he began to float on it .The whole family welcomed and praised him.

Thus, the young Seagull made his first flight.



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