The Thief's Story Class 10 cbse part 3


Thief's Story
      Answers to Long Questions
                     ( 100- 200 words)
              Written by: Sujeet Kumar
                        Chapter : 2
                   The Thief's Story
                    -- Ruskin Bond
1. What are Hari Singh's reactions to the prospect of receiving an education ? Do they change overtime ?
Ans: Hari Singh was a thief and his thoughts and activities were well confined to the act of stealing.

Normally, a human being defines and evaluates the circumstances and
happenings of life in accordance with what suits his / her natural living and thinking. Hari Singh was not an exception to it.
When Anil started teaching him to write names and promised to teach him to write whole sentences and also to add numbers , Hari Singh availed this educational opportunities to make himself all the more expert and skilled thief. What he thought was nothing but a natural appeal of his nature and profession.
The way of thinking plays a significant role in bringing changes in our lives. Our thinking is influenced by various factors . One of the factors is the People around us with whom we live , talk and do many Other activities.
Hari Singh lived with Anil who was gentle , helpful and generous. Hari Singh lived only a month with Anil ; but in just one month his  thinking received a good impact of Anil's personal traits.
It was this very impact which caused good sense to arise in Hari Singh and education emerged to him more significantly than money ; and he went back to Anil to return money for the sake of education.

Thus, we can say that Hari Singh's reactions to the prospect of receiving an education change overtime.
2. Why does Anil not hand the thief over to the police ? Do you think most people would have done so ? In what ways is Anil different from such employers ?
Ans : At the end of the story, we get a latent clue about Anil's knowing the whole episode of Hari Singh's act of stealing.
The wad of notes Anil came home with was dry and crisp ; but the fifty - rupee note he gave to Hari Singh in the morning was wet and damp. But , he did not open his lips to know how it all happened.
The fact is : Anil slipped the wad of notes under the mattress with Hari Singh noticing about the placement. It was, in fact, Anil's well calculated plan. Anil knew all about how Hari Singh entered his room at night and left with his money.
Anil was, in fact, awake then ; he was pretending to sleep. He did not stop Hari Singh then because he was generous and wanted to help Hari Singh in every way he could.
When Hari Singh returned to him ,he became all the more pleased and sensed Hari Singh's desire to become a good man right from the core of his spirit. If he had handed Hari Singh to the police, the desire of a bad man to be good would have been crushed. That's why he didn't hand the thief to the police.
A person with Anil's quantities is hard to find. Most of the people around us are not that much broad in thinking. They would have treated Hari Singh strong handedly
and called the police to hand over the
Anil is different because he doesn't regard prison as the ultimate place for correcting the wrong ways of a bad man. For Anil, no man is bad by birth. It is the circumstances that makes a person good or bad. A wise observation of a man's life and and creating supportive circumstances are more important than stringent actions.
3. Do you think people like Anil and Hari Singh are found only in fiction, or are there such people in real life ?
Ans: Our society is a home of people of different personality traits. Some are normal while some are particular. In fact, pain and pleasure go together.
Next, whether it is a fiction or any other literary creations, they are the products of human abilities to think, observe and create.
One can not write a fiction or a literary creation like this unless there is the presence of the cause(s) of writing, in and around the environment.
Clearly, people like Anil and Hari Singh are a part of our real society. Had it not been so , the theif's story would have not been written.
The hard truth about such people is that they are rare to find. Anil is the sort of a man who believes in rectification rather than conviction where as Hari Singh is the sort of a man who believes in confession and redemption. Such people do exist but they are numbered.
Normally, the behaviour of common people with a social character like Hari Singh is predictable. They use their strong hand and call the police to hand over the so called convict.
4. Anil is a struggling writer. Justify the statement in the light of 'The Thief's Story ' .
Ans: The narrator of The Thief's Story - Hari Singh - tells us about Anil's profession and his earnings. From what Hari Singh tells ,it is revealed that Anil is a struggling writer and his earning is not stable.
According to Hari Singh , Anil's income was irrigular. It was so uncertain that to maintain his day to day life ,he had to even borrow. But there were also days ,he earned more than he required. It was because of the irrigular income that Anil refused to employ Hari Singh on regular payment.
According to Hari Singh, Anil's prime source of income was to write books and sell them to publishers . He also earned money by writing articles for magazines.
Writing books and articles takes much time. Moreover, purchasing books and articles from a writer depends on the will of the publishers. Even if they purchased, payment is not given to the writers instantly. Payment depends on the circulation of books and magazines after publication of books and articles.
The more the circulation, the more the collection and the more money the writer gets. Poor circulation simply means poor income.
Since Anil is a writer, he has to go through all these phases of a writer's profession.
Thus, we can say that Anil is a struggling writer.


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